the Saga of Thorny Norny - Now in Print

featuring the artwork and writings of Jay Brackett

Jay Brackett artist and storyteller.

About "Thorny Norny"

Thorny Norny is a rugged, strong willed, free spirited woman who carves her own path through life and takes it as it comes. She does everything solo. She owns nothing , she wants for nothing. She's as hard as nails, yet as gentle as a babies bottom. The road is her companion and the wind is her compass. The thorny part of the name relates to the determined and capable side of this flower on the wind. The hidden but ever present danger she is to the hearts of men that would posses her.

available as:

ebook - available on kindle

paperback - 6 x 9" 471 pages

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deluxe hardcover - 7 x 10" 476 pages - includes photos of model and artist/author

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